In the hands of experienced pilots, the helicopter’s manoeuvrability makes it a machine perfectly suited to aerial work. At the heart of sporting events, with several hundred photo, video and film reports under our belts, our expertise and experience are your guarantee of complete satisfaction.
Some types of work are difficult or even impossible to carry out without recourse a helicopter.
Our team of experienced professionals carries out these missions with the appropriate technical expertise. We carry out a wide range of diverse tasks, including: resupplying refuges, civil engineering surveys, positioning pylons, installing structures and dropping parachutists.
As a recognised operator in Europe, HBG France can provide you with all the technical and human resources you need, whatever your filming project: documentary, advertising, HF broadcasting, filming or TV series.
Our AS 350/AS 355 helicopters are all pre-equipped to receive all existing gyro-stabilised systems: Shotover, GSS, Cinéflex, StabC, SuperG, etc.
Our “images” pilots’ experience and skills and their ability to coordinate perfectly with the system operators will guarantee images that meet your most demanding expectations.
Mont Blanc Hélicoptères Arcachon has been working for several years with prestigious wine-producing estates to combat the effects of late frosts.
Our fleet is capable of mobilising dozens of aircraft, and we can respond urgently to our customers’ requests based on weather forecasts.
These operations are carried out at daybreak with take-offs possible 30 minutes before the legal sunrise time (the regulation prohibiting low-flying at night).
The helicopter flies at low altitude and low speed in search of the inversion layer located about twenty metres above the ground.
The action of the blades displaces this warmer air, bringing it back to the ground, thus raising the temperature of the air above the vineyard. The gain per pass can reach 2° C to 3 °C depending on the day’s weather conditions and the temperature gradient over the pilot.
Our helicopters are particularly well suited for aerial surveillance. Whether you need to monitor forest fires, provide road traffic information, monitor gas pipelines or protect industrial sites, we always have a crew at your disposal.
Every summer our crews work hand in hand with the fire brigade, SDIS 13 & SDIS 83, to fight fires within their territory thus ensuring the protection of the fauna and flora as well as the population during the summer period.